Animals Ringtone

  • Genre:

  • Hip-Hop

  • File Size:

  • 229 KB

  • Type:

  • MP3

  • Downloads:

  • 57

  • Date Uploaded:

  • Sep 20, 2020

  • Rating:

About The Artist

Maroon 5 is an American pop rock band that originated in Los Angeles, California. The group was formed in 1994 as Karas Flowers while its members were still in high school. The original members of the band were Adam Levine, Jesse Carmichael, Mickey Madden and Ryan Dusick; they signed to Reprise Records and released an album, The Fourth World, in 1997. After a tepid response to the album, the band parted ways with the record label and the members attended college. Dusick and Madden stayed local at UCLA, while Levine and Carmichael relocated to the east coast to attend the State University of New York. While Levine and Carmichael were in New York, they began to take notice of the urban music surrounding them and later let the style seep into the songs they wrote. In 2001, the band regrouped, with James Valentine added to the lineup, and pursued a new direction under the name Maroon 5.

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